AUGUR Web Service
AUGUR is the web-based service provided by EUROCONTROL for RAIM availability prediction. The AUGUR service is one means by which airspace users can comply with the EASA requirements to verify RAIM availability during pre-flight planning.
Service Status.
This panel presents the main parameters related to the RAIM prediction such as:
  • The time period covered (72h since the current day at 00:00 UTC)
  • The almanac used in the RAIM prediction
  • The NANUs (Notice Advisory to Navstar Users) issued by the US Coast Guard at the USCG NAVCEN web site (
Terminal/Approach Tool.
This panel provides the RAIM prediction outages for one or several airports within the time period defined:
  • Scenario Start Time: start time of the RAIM prediction.
    By default the start time is the current day at 00:00 UTC, as defined in the ‘Service Status’ panel.
    On the other hand the user can select a previous date (since 1st September 2020) to obtain the RAIM outages predicted in that time (aka ‘prediction in the past’).
  • Airports: list of airports where the RAIM availability is predicted.
    The airports are defined by the ICAO code. Up to 30 airports can be inserted separated by ; or , or space (e.g. LEHZ; LEJR; LERT;)
    Only for airports in ECAC and MEDA countries and their overseas territories.
    On iPhone: To show the keyboard, click on the left side of the text box.
The user can select the following parameters to configure the RAIM prediction:
  • RAIM Algorithm: FD (Fault Detection) or FDE (Fault Detection and Exclusion).
    Note. FDE prediction has a lower availability than FD, which can be misinterpreted. Therefore it is recommended to use FD and not FDE. FDE prediction is only required for certain oceanic operations relying on GPS-only without any inertial navigation sensor on-board.
  • Selective Availability (SA): on (unaware) or off (aware).
    Since May 2000 Selective Availability is not used, and constellation GPS III does not include this feature. However older receivers, typically certified against TSO-C129, might assume SA is on yet.
    Note. In case this information is not available, selecting SA on is more conservative (more outages predicted).
  • Barometric Aiding: ‘baro aiding’ or ‘no baro aiding’.
    Note. ‘baro aiding’ means the navigation equipment on-board incorporates barometric altitude aiding.
  • Mask Angle: 2.0°, 5.0°, 7.5°, 10.0° or 12.5°.
    Satellites at lower elevation than the mask angle are not used in the RAIM prediction. Therefore, selecting higher elevation mask angles (e.g. 7.5, 10 or 12.5º) simulates the effect of satellites blocked by mountains surrounding an aerodrome.
    Augur does not use a digital terrain model (DTM) to determine the visibility of the satellites.
  • Type of procedure: APPROACH (RNP 0.3) or TERMINAL (RNP 1.0)
AUGUR can display outages and warnings of EGNOS-based approaches obtained from NOTAMs published by EAD including the following procedures:
  • RNP Approach to LP
  • RNP Approach to LNAV/VNAV based on EGNOS
  • RNP Approach to LPV
To do so, activate the EGNOS NOTAMs checkbox:

Clicking on "Check outages" invokes the RAIM prediction calculation and once the calculation is finished the results are presented to the user both in graphical and textual formats.
Load/Save Configuration.
By clicking in "Save configuration" button, the user can download an xml file with the configuration selected (RAIM prediction settings and the list of airports).
This xml file can be uploaded with the "Upload configuration" button to select the configuration saved.
In addition, the xml file can be edited by the user.
E.g. To add more than 10 airports, the user has to add the aerodromes inside the section "<aeroset>", between the tag "<aero></aero>".
See an example below.
Old format
New format
AUGUR API Service.
To get more information about the AUGUR RAIM Prediction REST API, visit:
To create a new User to AUGUR RAIM Prediction REST API, please, go to Create User
GPS RAIM NOTAM Proposal service.
EUROCONTROL provides GPS RAIM NOTAM proposals for Airports when this is requested by ANSPs.
Note. To add an aerodrome in the NOTAM proposal service, the ANSP shall send the request to EAD (EAD Servicedesk: [email protected]).
The proposals are generated by the same algorithms as the ones implemented in AUGUR and use the following input parameters:
  • RAIM Algorithm: FD
  • Selective Availability: Aware (Off)
  • Barometric Aiding: 'no baro aiding'
  • Mask Angle: 5.0°
  • Type of procedure: APPROACH (RNP 0.3)
User Support.
Further assistance is available by e-mailing the AUGUR Helpdesk: [email protected]
AUGUR Web Version.